Tips and Tricks to Rent your Property Quickly

Tips and Tricks to Rent your Property Quickly

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So you’ve been trying to rent your property and nothing seems to be doing the trick? We have a solution for you. It worked for us so we thought, why not share?

The first step is to imagine you’ve never seen your property before. Walk through the front door with fresh eyes. What do you see? Bare walls, no colour? Now we’re not saying you need to spend a fortune to give it that ‘lived in’ feel, but what people are looking for when they view a house is being able to see themselves living there.

For example, one of our tenants came into our office in Newport excited about a property she had just viewed with us. The property had recently been vacated so, as you can imagine, it wasn’t looking particularly warm or inviting. The thing that stood out to our tenant was a simple chalkboard in the kitchen on which the landlady’s son had written a note, “I hope you enjoy my room, Love Johnny.” It touched her so much to know that a child much like her own had once lived there and loved the house. She came straight from the viewing ready with her deposit. That simple little detail that caught her eye during the viewing got us a tenant.

Another way to achieve this is to give your home some colour, something to look at apart from bare rooms and plain-looking furniture. We have a house just up the road from our lettings agency in Newport which was empty for some time. We sat down and discussed what we would look for. The keyword for us was potential; the potential to be our home. Could we see ourselves living there? Could we picture ourselves sitting around the dining room eating dinner with our family? The answer was no. These are the questions you need to ask yourself.

Simple touches like adding curtains, cushions, lamps, and a picture on the wall can change a dull-looking and lifeless room in an instant. Spending a small amount of money and an hour of your time putting the finishing touches could secure you a tenant, not only quicker but also for longer.

I know it may sound obvious, but with all the competition out there you really need to pay attention to the finer details. We see numerous houses every month that lack that ‘wow’ which could very easily be achieved doing the simplest of things and getting you your desired outcome.

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